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Artisans Vignerons d'Yvorne - Exceptional Swiss wines since 1902



Founded in 1902, The Artisans Vignerons d'Yvorne, or AVY, is a cooperative that innovates, adapts and produces exceptional Swiss wines, while preserving our natural heritage.

Our dynamic and passionate team, proud of its winegrowers and its terroir, vinifies and markets the production of the 120 members of the winery.

Our wines are mainly made under the presitigous Yvorne Chablais AOC appellation. Chasselas, but also red wines, white specialties and contemporary creations designed to delighting you.

Yvorne is a mosaic of terroirs shaped by time and climate. Treasured by our winemakers, they impart a remarkable complexity to our wines, magnified by our oenologists.

We vinify the harvest from 55 hectares of vines out of the 160 hectares of the production area. The vineyards are mainly planted with Chasselas grapes, but also with noble white grape varieties (Doral, Viognier, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Blanc) and, of course, noble red grape varieties (Pinot Noir, Gamay, Gamaret, Garanoir, Cabernet Franc, Galotta, Divico, Mara and Diolinoir).

Balancing tradition and modernity, we seek, vintage after vintage, to charm you with the excellence of our production. A quality recognized and awarded every year!

Rosé "Tradition" Chablais AOC

Rosé "Tradition" Chablais AOCDiscover the product

Elitis sweet wine from white blend Vaud AOC

Elitis sweet wine from white blend Vaud AOCDiscover the product

Yvorne "Tradition" Sélection Terravin Chablais AOC

Sélection des Vins Vaudois, 2024 Silver medal Yvorne "Tradition" Sélection Terravin Chablais AOC 2023 Expovina, 2023 Silver award Yvorne "Tradition" Sélection Terravin Chablais AOC 2022 Grand Prix...

Yvorne "Tradition" Sélection Terravin Chablais AOCDiscover the product

Sweet wine "Ange et Démon" Yvorne Chablais AOC Vaud

Mondial du Chasselas, 2024 Gold award Yvorne "ANGE & DÉMON" Chablais AOC 2022 Mondial du Chasselas, 2023 Gold award Yvorne "ANGE & DÉMON" Chablais AOC 2021 Mondial du Chasselas, 2022...

Sweet wine "Ange et Démon" Yvorne Chablais AOC VaudDiscover the product
Artisans Vignerons d'Yvorne
Artisans Vignerons d'Yvorne
Artisans Vignerons d'Yvorne

Quality Chart

From the Artisans Vignerons d'Yvorne